and came from the work of the Cross, from the Grave. "Peace" was His first word in Resurrection-life to His gathered Church (John 20:19); and that Church was then, and not till then, sent to the world, "far off" as well as "nigh," to be an "ambassador on behalf of Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:20), representing Him in His preaching ministry of peace. Thus vicariously, but really, had He "come" to the Ephesians among others. Cp. Acts 3:26; "God, having raised up His Son Jesus, sent Himto bless you;" and, for the phrase "preachingpeace," Acts 10:36.

peace The word and thought still, as before, refer immediately to the inner harmony of the New Israel, ultimately to that Israel's "peace with God." The next verse suggests this double reference; (1) "we bothhave access &c.;" (2) "we have access unto the Father."

to you … nigh See on Ephesians 2:13. The whole phrase is from Isaiah 57:19, "Peace, peace, to him that is far off and to him that is near, saith the Lord" (LXX., "to themthat are far off &c."). The Apostle implicitly claims the Prophet as foretelling (whether he knew it or not) peace in and to the New Israel. The best reading here repeats "peace;" "and peace to them that were nigh."

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