But God The Divine counter-fact now comes in, brighter for the awful contrast.

who is rich in mercy See note on "riches," Ephesians 1:18. The ultimate motiveof the work of regeneration is here given, and it is simply the Divine Mercy. No claim or obligation is in the question, nor right inherent in the alienated race, nor "fitness of things" in the abstract; only the uncaused and supremely free choice of the God of mercy. Cp. Titus 3:5; 1 Peter 1:3.

for his great love, &c. On account of, &c.; another aspect of the same fact.

loved us the New Israel, the Church. Not the Philanthropy of God, His "love toward man" (Titus 3:4), but His inner and special love, is here in view; affectionrather than benevolence. The whole context shews this. Observe the change from "you" (Ephesians 2:1) to "us." For similar words regarding the Old Israel see Deuteronomy 7:8; "Because the Lord loved you, &c."

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