according to the eternal purpose Lit., and better, according to the purpose of the ages. I.e. the Church, as watched by the angels, presents to them the final result (final in kind) of the great Plan of Divine developments by which the glory of God was to be displayed in His dealings with Sin. The redeemed Church corresponds tothis Plan; it is (in kind, in essence,) the realization of the Divine Idea. No other and better thing in that kind is to succeed it. The past "ages," angelic, paradisaic, patriarchal, Mosaic, prophetic, have led up to the Universal Church, in its spiritual reality, as their goal.

in Christ Jesus our Lord Lit., in the Christ, Jesus our Lord. The "Purpose" was "purposed" (lit. "made") "inHim," inasmuch as both Idea and Working were altogether bound up with Him. "In Christ" God was to "reconcile the world"; "in Christ" the saints were to "have redemption in His blood"; "in Him" to be "rooted and built up"; "complete in Him"; "abiding in Him"; "walking in Him"; "dying in Him" (Revelation 14:13); "made alive in Him" (1 Corinthians 15:22). Thus "in the Christ," the Eternal and Anointed Son and Word, the Idea stood forth formed; and in that Christ, as "Jesus our Lord," incarnate, sacrificed, glorified, the Idea is carried into realization.

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