ages Better, generations. The reference (see next words) is to human time, and the periods before the Gospel.

unto the sons of men A designedly large phrase; mankind in general, both inside and outside the Jewish pale. Outside, the secret was wholly unknown; inside, it was only dimly and sparingly intimated, though certainly intimated (cp. Acts 13:47; Romans 15:8-12). That it was in some measurerevealed is suggested by the phrase here, "Asit is now&c." On the present scale, in the present mode, it was not then revealed; but not therefore quite concealed. But the O.T. hints were after all little more than prepared materials for N.T. revelation.

his holy apostles and prophets On the "prophets," see note on Ephesians 2:20. The recipients are called "holy" to mark their special nearness to, and knowledge of, the revealing God, and so the absolute truth of their report.

by the Spirit Lit., and better, in [the] Spirit. They were "in the Spirit" (Revelation 1:10) while receiving the knowledge of the great mystery. The Holy Ghost possessed them, that He might inform them.

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