and to make allmen see Lit., "to illuminate all men." The Latin versions have illuminare omnes. Some ancient MSS. (including the great MS. of the British Museum, and the Sinaitic), and other authorities, omit "all men." But the external and internal evidence for retention greatly preponderates. The idea is of the Apostle as "casting bright light" on the universal scope of the Gospel, in the eyes of "all men," no longer only of Jews. The verb is the same as that in 2 Timothy 1:10; where lit., "hath thrown light upon, hath illuminated, life and immortality." Truths once in shadow are by the Gospel brought out into the sun.

the fellowship The true reading is undoubtedly dispensation, or stewardship. The reading represented by A.V. is probably an explanation, which crept into the text; representing very nearly the meaning of the true word. "The dispensationof the secret" is, in effect, the world-wide distribution, through the stewards of God, of the news and the blessings of the full Gospel, so long held in reserve.

See notes above on Ephesians 3:2-6.

from the beginning of the world Lit., "from the ages;" R.V., from all ages. To define somewhat the meaning of the phrase; the great Truth in question was hidden in comparative secrecy, from the starting point of the progress of the developments ("ages") of the Divine dealings for man, up to the actual Advent of the Messiah. We gather here that this was so not only at and after the call of Israel, but in the patriarchal age, and even in the angelic age, or ages. See below on Ephesians 3:10.

hid in God the great Treasury of unknown blessings.

who created all things Omit "by Jesus Christ," with the preponderance of ancient authority. The truth of the OneCreator appears here as in deep harmony with the universalscope of His Redemption. All through Scripture, in very different contexts, the truths of Creation and Redemption are seen in connexion. See a vivid illustration in Colossians 1, where the Father, in and through the Son, both "creates all things," and "reconciles all things."

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