endeavouring R. V., better, giving diligence. The A. V., to a modern reader, suggests (as the Gr. does not) a certain imperfection and precariousness of result.

the unity of the Spirit The sacred Oneness effected and maintained by the One Holy Spirit who had, by uniting them to Christ, united them to each other. This Oneness has many aspects. The aspect here is that of realized community of feeling and purpose, based on the fact of community of regenerated position and nature in Christ.

in the bond of peace Grammatically, this may mean either "in peace, as the bond"; or "in that which secures peace." Bengel prefers the latter; "the bond, with which peaceis bound, is even love." But we have recently (ch. 2) had Christ Himself presented as the "peace" of His people one with another; and is not the same thought present here? To realize their connexion with Him as such was the way to maintain the sense and exercise of spiritual solidarity.

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