sometimes Better, in modern English, once, formerly. See on Ephesians 2:13 above. He refers to the whole period of their unconverted life.

darkness Not merely "in the dark". So had the night of spiritual ignorance and sin penetrated them that they were, as it were, night itself, night embodied. On the metaphor of darkness see on Ephesians 4:18.

light Again, not merely "in the light." The Divine Light of truth, holiness, and resulting joy, had now so penetrated them that they were, in a sense, light embodied; not seeing light only, but being light, and emitting it (see below, on Ephesians 5:13). Cp. Matthew 5:14.

in the Lord By your union with and knowledge of Him Who is the Light.

walk See above on Ephesians 2:2, &c., for the metaphor.

children of light See above on Ephesians 2:2, for the phrase "children, or sons, of."

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