a snare fig. for an occasion of destruction. See 1 Samuel 18:21; and cf. on ch. Exodus 23:33 Lit. a fowling-instrument; and probably, in fact, not a -snare" (i.e. a noose; Germ. Schnur, a -string") at all, but the trigger of a trap with the bait upon it 1 [127].

[127] This mustbe the meaning, if the Mass. text of Amos 3:5 a (-Will a bird fall into a trap upon the earth, when there is no môkçshfor it?") is right; but even though -into a trap" be omitted with LXX., it still (in spite of EB.ii. 1561) seems to be a probable meaning of the word.

destroyed i.e. ruined, viz. through all the calamities that have visited it.

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