The Israelites reach Rephidim. Water given to them at Massah. The victory over Amalek

V.1a (to Rephidim) has all the marks of P: the rest of the chapter belongs in the main to E (notice in particular the -rod" in vv.5, 9): but v.3 reads like a doublet of v.1b, 2a; and the double question in v.2, the corresponding double name for the same place in v.7, and the double explanation in the same verse, suggest somewhat strongly an amalgamation of two sources. It looks as if a Meribah-story from E a doublet to J's Meribah-story preserved fragmentarily in Numbers 20:1-13 (vv.1b, 3a, 5) had been here, on account of the similarity of motive, combined with a Massah-story from J.

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