If thou buy In the Heb. the primary cases (vv.2, 7, 20, 22 &c.) are introduced by ki, -when," the subordinate ones (vv.3a, 3b, 4, 5; 8, 9, 10, 11, &c.) by "im, -if," or , -or if"; but the distinction is not preserved in EVV.

an Hebrew servant better, an Hebrew bondman (RVm.) or male slave, i.e. one of Hebrew birth, as opposed to foreigners, who did not enjoy the same privileges as Hebrew slaves, and might be slaves for life (Leviticus 25:44-46). The release in the seventh year, after six years of servitude, seems, like the Sabbatical Year (Exodus 23:10 f.), to be suggested by the weekly sabbath closing the six days of toil.

go out free Cf. Ḥammurabi's Code, § 117 (below, p. 421). The philanthropic legislator of Deuteronomy (Exodus 15:13 f.) enjoins the master to bestow a handsome present upon his slave when he thus leaves him.

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