It was the general belief (see on Exodus 33:20) that God could not be -seen," except in a purely spiritual sense, with impunity; but upon this occasion Jehovah put not forth his hand(Exodus 9:15; Exodus 22:8) uponMoses or his companions, to harm them.

nobles Heb. -ăẓîlîm, only here in this sense. The etym. is uncertain. In Isaiah 41:9 "âẓîlmeans angle, corner: so perhaps, like pinnâh(see Judges 20:2 RVm.), the word denotes men of position and responsibility, as the corners, or supports, of the community.

beheld Heb. ḥâzâh, in prose only Exodus 18:21 besides, but often used of a prophet seeinga vision (e.g. Numbers 24:4), and the verb of which one of the words rendered -seer" (Amos 7:12 al.) is the partic. LXX. (cf. on v.10) paraphrase by - appearedin the place of God."

did eat and drink viz. at a sacrificial meal: see on Exodus 18:12

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