the lamps probably of the type called Phoenician, of which numerous specimens, made in terra cotta, have been found at Gezer, and other places excavated recently in Palestine: they are in shape like a shell or saucer, round or oval, open or covered in, as the case may be, and with the rim on one side pinched together, so as to form an orifice for the wick (see illustr. in DB.iii. 24).

light fix on (cf. marg.), viz. every evening (Exodus 30:8). The Heb. is lit, bring up, i.e., as we should say, fix on(so Exodus 27:20; Exodus 30:8; Exodus 40:4; Exodus 40:25; Leviticus 24:2; Numbers 8:2-3 †): the Rabb. interpretation -light" is destitute of the smallest probability (for to -make the lampgo up" is not the same thing as to -make the flamego up").

over against it in front of it, or straight forward, as the same expression is rendered in Ezekiel 1:9; Ezekiel 1:12; Ezekiel 10:22; cf. Numbers 8:2-3. The candlestick was to stand at the S. side of the Holy place; and the lamps were to be so adjusted that their wick-mouths turned northwards, and they lighted the space in front of the candlestick. -Over against" is an old English expression meaning opposite to: but it is so little used now that it fails to convey a clear idea to the average reader.

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