tongs so Exodus 37:23, Num 4:9, 1 Kings 7:49 b (=2 Chronicles 4:21 a), Isaiah 6:6 †. In Isaiah 6:6 we should still say -tongs" (the Heb. is lit. the two takers), but not in the other cases. Probably in all cases something of the nature of tweezersfor drawing up the wick is meant (like the forcipesfigured in Smith's Dict. of Class. Antiq.3. i. 872): -snuffers," which in the case of a lamp we should naturally think of, represents a different Heb. word (1 Kings 7:50 al.).

snuffdishes so Exodus 37:23; Numbers 4:9. The same word (lit. (fire-) catcher) is also used for what we should denote by the separate terms fire-pan(Exodus 27:3 al.), and censer(Numbers 16:6 al.).

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