The dimensions of the -curtains," or, as we should here say, -breadths." On the lateHeb. for -eleven," see LOT.156 n.

9a. The curtains, or -breadths," are to be coupled together, so as to form two sets, of five and six breadths respectively.

9b. double over i.e., as commonly understood, lay doubleon the top

Model of P's Tent of Meeting, as reconstructed by Prof. Kennedy.

The two outermost coverings (Exodus 26:14) are removed, shewing the framework covered by the tapestry curtains a awith the figures of cherubim, the goats" hair curtains of the -tent" (Exodus 26:7) b b, one of the corner frames c, the bars d d d, the veil e, and the screen f.

From Hastings" Dictionary of the Bible, iv. 661.

of the Dwelling in front, so as to form a kind of portal abovethe entrance. But this is not the natural meaning of the Heb., which is that the curtain is to be doubled in front ofthe Dwelling, so as to hang down there for 2 cubits, forming a kind of valance over the top of the screen (v.36), and securing that the Dwelling is in perfect darkness (so Kennedy, p. 662 a). Render then double (without -over"); and see further on v.12.

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