And thou, thou shalt, &c. the emph. pron. marks the beginning of a new section (Exodus 28:1; Exodus 30:23; Exodus 31:13; Numbers 1:50).

pure clear: LXX. ἄτρυγον (-without lees, clarified") καθαρόν.

beaten Exodus 29:40; Leviticus 24:2; Numbers 28:5 †. -Beaten" oil was oil of the finest quality: it was obtained -by gently pounding the olives in a mortar; the pulp was then poured into a wicker or rush basket, which, acting as a strainer, allowed the liquid to run into a vessel underneath. The oil which would presently float upon the top was skimmed off," and this formed the oil in question. The commoner kinds of oil were obtained from the pulp remaining in the baskets (Kennedy, EB.iii. 3407, from descriptions in the Mishna).

to cause, &c. to fix on a lamp continually: see on Exodus 25:37.

continually i.e. not continuously(Exodus 25:30 Heb.), but regularly, as a standing practice, whether daily (as here, Exodus 29:38; Exodus 29:42; Exodus 30:8 al.), or whenever occasion required (Exodus 28:29-30).

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