robe Heb. me-îl, a long garment, worn over the tunic, and usually, it seems, open down the front, and with sleeves (see ill. in DB.i. 625 a; and Benz. Arch.2 76 f.), made of better material than the more ordinary simlâh(see on Exodus 12:34), and often worn in place of that by men of position (1 Samuel 18:4; 1 Samuel 24:4; 1 Samuel 24:11; by Samuel Exodus 15:27; Exodus 28:14, cf. Exodus 2:19; Ezra 9:3; Ezra 9:5).

blue or violet(see on Exodus 25:4). The robe was to be entirely woven of this material, and without figures: hence it is called simply the -work of the weaver" (Exodus 39:22: see on Exodus 26:1).

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