sweet spices fragrant powders: see on Exodus 30:34.

12 17 (cf. Exodus 35:2-3). The observance of the sabbath inculcated. The section has in vv.13, 14a (see the notes) strong affinities with the -Law of Holiness," or H (the older laws embedded in P, in Leviticus 17-26); and there is little doubt that some of H's injunctions on the observance of the sabbath have here been excerpted by P or P 2 [216] and emphasized by him with the addition of vv.14b 17: the whole thus forming a law inculcating the observance of the sabbath at a time when the execution of urgent sacred work might be taken as an excuse for disregarding it. The parts excerpted from H have also (like those in Leviticus 17-26 : see LOT.pp. 45 f., 138 141; ed. 6 8, pp. 49 f., 145 148) remarkable affinities with Ezekiel.

[216] Secondary strata of P (see p. xii top; pp. 328f., 378).

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