Jehovah declares His purpose of concluding a covenant with His people, to be confirmed by wonders of a character to convince all of His power and greatness. The wonders meant are such as those narrated in Numbers 11:16; Numbers 11:20; Numbers 11:21, &c. The verse, however, is hardly an answer to v.9, whereas Exodus 33:14 would answer it directly: the conjecture (p. 361) that Exodus 33:14-16 should follow here is thus confirmed.

I make Heb. am making, i.e. am about to make: the partic. after Behold, as Exodus 7:17; Exodus 8:2; Exodus 19:9, and frequently.

marvels Exodus 3:20; Joshua 3:5; Judges 6:13; Psalms 78:4; Psalms 78:11, &c.

wrought lit. created (marg.), of an eventnot, as usually, of a material object requiring superhuman power to produce it: cf. Numbers 16:30 (RVm.), Jeremiah 31:22; Isaiah 45:7; Isaiah 48:7.

with thee i.e. in dealing with thee: cf. Deuteronomy 1:30; Deuteronomy 10:21 (also with -terrible"): in both these passages -for" is lit. with.

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