Superscription. These are the reckoning s of(the metals employed for) the Dwelling, (even) the Dwelling of the testimony(so Numbers 1:50; Numbers 1:53; Numbers 10:11; cf. on Exodus 25:16), which were reckoned according to the commandment of Moses; (being) the work of the Levites, under the hand, &c. - Forthe service" is wrong grammatically (for the constr. see G.-K. § 118m); the meaning is not that the reckonings were made forthe Levites, but that they were the work ofthe Levites, done by them under the direction of Ithamar (cf. Numbers 4:28; Numbers 4:33; Numbers 7:8, where the same prep. is rendered under). For Ithamar see on Exodus 6:23. -Reckoning" is derived from the verb explained on Exodus 30:12, and is cognate with -counted" just below and -numbered" in v.25.

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