Answer to idolaters who inquire of the Lord

1. elders of Israel That is, in point of fact, elders of the exiles; but in them the prophet sees representatives of the house of Israel both at home and abroad (Ezekiel 14:4; Ezekiel 14:7), and when addressing them he feels himself speaking to his people in all places. Cf. ch. Ezekiel 8:1; Ezekiel 20:1. These elders came and sat before him. It is scarcely probable that their presence was due to the prophet's words in ch. 13, denouncing their false prophets. It might no doubt be supposed that they were perplexed by these denunciations, and, not knowing whom to believe, waited on the prophet for some further enlightenment. It is more likely that their thoughts were occupied about Jerusalem and the future of their country, and that they hoped to hear something more from Ezekiel on these subjects.

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