Her delicate fare and beauty.

fine flour This was used in offerings at the altar (Ezekiel 16:19), and was probably the food of persons of refinement and rank. Cf. Psalms 81:16, "I should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat, and with honey out of the rock should I satisfy thee;" Psalms 147:14; Deuteronomy 32:13-14.

exceeding beautiful The beauty is less that of the mere city (Psalms 48:2) than of the personified state or people (Ezekiel 16:14).

prosper into a kingdom Or, attain to royal estate. The reference is not to the mere historical fact that a monarchy arose in Israel under Saul or more permanently under David. It was Israel herself, personified as a woman, that attained to royalty, that is, to be an independent state among the states around, a queen among other queens. The words are wanting in LXX.

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