The rusted caldron set upon the coals
The passage, of date Jan. 587, is the prophet's last oracle against
Jerusalem. It consists of two parts:
First, Ezekiel 24:1. A parable of a rusted caldron set upon the fire
the siege and capture of the city.
Second, Ezekiel 24:15. On the death of his wife th... [ Continue Reading ]
The same date of the commencement of the siege is given 2 Kings 25:1;
Jeremiah 52:4. In later times the day was kept as a fast, Zechariah
8:19.... [ Continue Reading ]
The rusted caldron set on the fire
(1) Ezekiel 24:1. A caldron is to be set on the fire, filled with
water, pieces of flesh cast into it and fuel piled under it that it
may boil furiously. The caldron is Jerusalem; the pieces of flesh the
inhabitants; the fire and boiling the siege with its terribl... [ Continue Reading ]
_Set on a pot_ THE caldron.... [ Continue Reading ]
_the pieces thereof_ those belonging to the caldron, which are to be
boiled in it.... [ Continue Reading ]
_burn also the bones_ A PILE ALSO OF WOOD UNDER IT. If "pile" could be
read as a verb, _and pile also wood_, the construction would be
easier. In spite of the versions _wood_must be substituted for
_make it boil well_ Lit. make boil its boilings. The word "boilings"
does not occur again; p... [ Continue Reading ]
Explanation: the caldron is Jerusalem, the bloody city.
_whose scum_ RUST.
_bring it out_ i.e. the caldron as having contents.
_let no lot fall_ The contents (the inhabitants) shall be pulled out
indiscriminately. The dispersion is alluded to.... [ Continue Reading ]
_top of a rock_ A BARE ROCK. Job 16:18, "O earth cover not my blood."
Blood uncovered cries for vengeance. Cf. Leviticus 17:13; Deuteronomy
12:16. On the idea of the openness of Jerusalem's sin cf. Isaiah 3:9,
"They declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not.... [ Continue Reading ]
_I have set her blood_ In Ezekiel 24:7 it was Jerusalem herself who
left her bloodshed uncovered; here, as usual in the prophet, this is
an appointment of God, that he may bring up judgment because of it.... [ Continue Reading ]
_I will even_ I TOO WILL make. LXX. wants the clause "woe … city,"
cf. Ezekiel 24:6.... [ Continue Reading ]
Rising anew into tones of threatening the divine voice commands fuel
to be heaped under the caldron, and to set it empty upon the coals,
that its brass may glow in the fire and its rust be consumed.... [ Continue Reading ]
_consume the flesh_ BOIL (or, do) WELL, as R.V.
_spice it well_ Probably: make thick (stew) the broth.
_bones be burnt_ Either "burnt" is used inexactly of the powerful
action of the heat in boiling, or, less naturally, the contents of the
pot are supposed to suffer directly from the fire. LXX. om... [ Continue Reading ]
_scum of it_ RUST. When the contents of the caldron have BEEN seethed
and emptied out of it the siege and dispersion the caldron itself
shall be set empty upon the coals that its filth and rust may be
molten and consumed a figure for the purifying judgments continued
long after the destruction of th... [ Continue Reading ]
As the words stand they seem to read: _she hath wearied_my _labours_,
and her great rust goeth not out from her; _let her rust be in the
fire!_Previous efforts to purify Jerusalem have been in vain, her
uncleanness will go out only by fire (Ezekiel 24:13); cf. Isaiah
43:24. LXX. omits first clause,... [ Continue Reading ]
_In thy … lewdness_ Or, because of thy lewd filthiness, cf. Ezekiel
16:27, thy lewd way.
_shalt not be purged … more_ i.e. shalt never be purged, till, &c.,
or purged so as to be again clean, till, &c.
_caused … to rest_ APPEASED, Ezekiel 5:13; Ezekiel 8:18; Ezekiel
16:42.... [ Continue Reading ]
_shall they judge_ Cf. Ezekiel 23:49. LXX. and the versions, _I
will_judge, which LXX. then amplified into an additional verse,
somewhat in terms of Ezekiel 22:5. The words, though found by the
translator in his MS., are hardly original.... [ Continue Reading ]
The prophet's abstention from mourning on the death of his wife a
symbol of the stupefaction of the people at the news of the fall of
the city
16. _with a stroke_ The word need not be pressed to mean a sudden
unexpected death, apart from all previous sickness.
_thy tears run down_ wanting in LXX.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Forbear to cry_ SIGH IN SILENCE; lit. sigh, be silent.
_mourning_for _the dead_ Another order was to be expected; two accus.
must be assumed.
_the tire of thine head_ The "tire" is not necessarily the priestly
tiara, but the ordinary headdress (Ezekiel 24:23), which would
probably be white. Putti... [ Continue Reading ]
The death of the prophet's wife was no doubt an actual occurrence. And
there is nothing improbable in his demeanour after it, with the view
of attracting the attention of his fellow-captives. At the same time
his tendency to idealize occurrences precludes absolute certainty.... [ Continue Reading ]
_excellency of your strength_ i.e. your proud boast, or, your boasted
stronghold (Ezekiel 24:25). The temple is referred to.
_that which … pitieth_ Or, spareth, i.e. holds dear, Ezekiel 36:21;
Job 20:13.... [ Continue Reading ]
_pine away for_ in your iniquities; Ezekiel 33:10; Leviticus 26:39.
_mourn one towards] moan_. The unparalleled severity of the stroke
will paralyse grief and prevent it expressing itself.... [ Continue Reading ]
_is … a sign_ SHALL BE.... [ Continue Reading ]
_their strength_ i.e. stronghold; the thing in which they placed
_joy of their glory_ the glorious (or beautiful) thing in which they
delighted. Both expressions allude to the temple, &c.
_set their minds_ their HEARTS, that which is the object of their
desire, Psalms 24:4.... [ Continue Reading ]
When tidings come of the city's fall, verifying the prophet's
predictions and giving confirmation to all the principles which he had
long declared, his mouth will be opened, he will have confidence to
speak and more willing listeners before him.... [ Continue Reading ]
_that escapeth in that day_ ON THAT DAY HE THAT IS ESCAPED SHALL COME.
The phrase "on that day" is used with considerable latitude, to
indicate the period marked by any great event and following it.
_cause_thee … thine _ears_ Perhaps more general: to cause it to be
heard with the ears not the proph... [ Continue Reading ]
_opened to him_ Or, WITH him, i.e. when he comes. Cf. Ezekiel 3:26-27;
Ezekiel 33:22. The last words of this verse recur to the prophet's
demeanour Ezekiel 24:16.... [ Continue Reading ]