The name Tarshish (Tartessus) was given to the district of country lying outside the Straits of Gibraltar on the lower Baetis, the Guadalquiver (Wadi el Kebîr, great river).

with silver … in thy fairs Rather apparently: silver … they brought as thy wares. There is no evidence that the word means "fairs;" in Ezekiel 27:27; Ezekiel 27:34the things so named fall into the waters of the sea. The representation is that all things brought to Tyre were hers, the nations offered them to her as tribute (Ezekiel 27:15). Spain was famous for the metals mentioned; cf. for silver, Jeremiah 10:9. Probably Tarshish served as an entrepôt for such products found further north, as in the Cassiterides (Scilly Islands) and Cornwall.

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