These three countries, Javan, Tubal and Meshech are usually named together, Genesis 10:2; Ezekiel 32:26; Ezekiel 38:2; Ezekiel 39:1; Isaiah 66:19. The first is the Ionians, the Greeks of Asia Minor, and the two last have usually been identified with the Moschi and Tibareni, lying to the S. and S.E. of the Black Sea. Copper and "souls of men" i.e. slaves, form the contribution of these countries. That Javan traded in slaves appears from Joel 4:6; cf. Amos 1:6; Amos 1:9.

they traded … in thy market they brought as thy wares souls of men, &c. The nations are the servants of Tyre, and what they bring is herwares.

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