set him up on high i.e. made him grow lofty. There is probably, however, the figure of a parent nourishing his offspring. The words "made great" and "set on high" are rendered "nourished and brought up" children, Isaiah 1:2; cf. Isaiah 23:4. The waters rear the tree as their child. The waters are those of Egypt.

with her rivers running The construction is anomalous, and withexpresses accompaniment, not instrumentality. It is easiest to read (with LXX.): she(the deep) made her rivers to run round … and sent out. Or possibly: as for her rivers, they ran, &c.

his plants Rather: her plantation, "her" referring to the "deep," which nourished the plantation, though this is not quite natural.

her little rivers Marg. conduits, the small canals for irrigation. The plenteous waters nourished the great tree and the other trees alike.

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