
Elam, said to mean Highlands, lay E. of the Tigris, and touched Assyria and Media on the N., Media and Persia on the E., and on the S. the Persian Gulf. An early expedition of Elam into the land of the Jordan is referred to Genesis 14:1 seq. The country was incorporated into the Assyrian empire, in the armies of which it served (Isaiah 22:6; cf. Isaiah 11:11), and on the fall of this empire it probably asserted its independence. It appears independent in the time of Jeremiah, who threatens it with destruction at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar (Jeremiah 49:34; Jeremiah 49:39).

yet have they borne and have borne. Their shame is that which adheres to them as slain with the sword and unhonoured. The consequences of their life shewed themselves in the manner of their death, and abode upon them. Cf. Ezekiel 36:6-7.

them that go down that are gone down.

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