a plant of renown a plantationof renown, lit. for a name, i.e. a plantation which shall be (or, so as to be) renowned; cf. for the phrase Ezekiel 39:13; Isaiah 55:13. The ref. is not to the person of the Messiah, but to the luxuriant fertility and vegetation of the earth in the Messianic age. Comp. Psalms 67; Psalms 72:16; Amos 9:13; Hosea 2:21; Joel 2:23 seq. The land of Israel was subject to droughts and famine (Ezekiel 36:15; Ezekiel 36:30; 1 Kings 17 seq.; Jeremiah 14:1-6; Jeremiah 14:18; Joel 1). In the regeneration this reproach shall no more fall on it, ch. Ezekiel 36:3; Ezekiel 36:6; Ezekiel 36:15.

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