The former selfish shepherds of the flock, and the future good shepherd

The past history of the people and their future is presented under the common allegory of a flock. The shepherds are the rulers.

(1) Ezekiel 34:1. The evil shepherds of Israel fed themselves and not the flock. And thus the sheep were scattered over all the earth. The Lord will rid his sheep out of the hand of these shepherds.

(2) Ezekiel 34:11. Jehovah himself will undertake the care of his sheep. He will seek them out and gather them from all the nations, and will bring them again to the mountains of Israel, where they shall feed in plentiful pasture.

(3) Ezekiel 34:17. He will judge also between sheep and sheep, between the strong and the weak. The strong shall no more push with the horn and thrust with the shoulder; neither shall they alone eat the good pasture and drink the clear water. These pushing rams and he-goats are the magnates, whose oppression of the common people is so common a theme in the early prophets.

(4) Ezekiel 34:23. The Lord will raise up a good shepherd to rule his flock, even his servant David. And in those days to come the earth shall be transfigured: showers shall bless the land and the earth shall yield her increase. And the peace of the people shall be perpetual: they shall no more fear the heathen abroad, and no more suffer from scarcity at home.

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