The causes of the judgment on Mount Seir. These causes are three: first, its perpetual hatred of Israel, Ezekiel 25:15; Amos 1:11; second. its malicious joy over the downfall of Israel and the part it took in the destruction of the people in the day of their calamity, when the consequences of their guilt fell upon them, Obad. Ezekiel 35:10; and third, Edom's invasion of the land and seizure of it as their own, though the Lord dwelt in it (Ezekiel 35:10).

hast shed … of the sword and didst deliver the children of Israel over into the hands of the sword. Jeremiah 18:21; Psalms 63:10.

time iniquityhad an end Lit. time of the iniquity of the end. The "iniquity of the end" is either, the final punishment of iniquity, or, the iniquity whose punishment was seen in the end (of the state). Cf. ch. 7. The phrase again Ezekiel 21:30. The ref. is to the destruction of Jerusalem; so the "calamity" referred to is the downfall of the city and state, as Ob. Ezekiel 35:13; cf. Psalms 137:7, "the day of Jerusalem."

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