Resumption of the prophecy against Gog
(1) Ezekiel 39:1. Renewal of the prophecy: Gog shall be broken on the
mountains of Israel by a divine interposition.
(2) Ezekiel 39:8. For seven years the wood of his weapons shall
suffice the people for fuel. It will take seven months to bury his
dead. His b... [ Continue Reading ]
Cf. Ezekiel 38:2-3.
_chief prince_ PRINCE OF ROSH, Meshech, &c., Ezekiel 38:2.... [ Continue Reading ]
_turn thee back … sixth part_ Perhaps: TURN THEE ABOUT AND LEAD
THEE. The word "lead" does not elsewhere occur. A.V. derived from
numeral "six.... [ Continue Reading ]
The northern warriors were bowmen.... [ Continue Reading ]
Cf. Ezekiel 39:17; Ezekiel 38:21.... [ Continue Reading ]
Magog is the name of the country of Gog.
_in the isles_ the COUNTRIES, i.e. the distant lands of the earth. The
armies of Gog and his allies are annihilated on the mountains of
Israel, but the judgment extends simultaneously to their distant
abodes, that the ends of the earth may know and fear the... [ Continue Reading ]
_will not let_them _pollute_ will not LET MY HOLY NAME BE PROFANED,
lit. _I will not profane_. Jehovah's holy or divine name was profaned,
his majesty and power were detracted from when Israel his people were
subjected by the heathen and dispersed abroad from their own land
(Ezekiel 36:20). Israel's... [ Continue Reading ]
The words vividly bring into the presence of the speaker the great
catastrophe. Revelation 16:17; Revelation 21:6.... [ Continue Reading ]
The wood of the weapons of Gog's warriors shall serve the people of
Israel as fuel for seven years, they shall go neither to gather
faggots for fire in the fields nor to cut down any wood out of the
forests (Ezekiel 39:10).
_set on fire and burn_ MAKE FIRE OF THE WEAPONS AND BURN THEM i.e.
they sha... [ Continue Reading ]
_burn the weapons_ MAKE FIRE WITH the weapons. Such abundance of fuel
shall the weapons supply, that firewood shall neither be gathered in
the field nor cut down out of the forests.... [ Continue Reading ]
Gog's burial place shall be east of the Dead Sea.
_a place there of graves_ a PLACE FOR A GRAVE, lit. _a place where a
grave_may be. For "there" LXX. reads _name_a place of renown (name), a
grave in Israel.
_valley of the passengers_ In Ezekiel 39:14 the word is used of those
appointed to go throug... [ Continue Reading ]
It shall take all Israel (Ezekiel 39:13) seven months to bury Gog's
dead. The bones scattered over the land defiled it, for it was holy to
the Lord, and they must be gathered and interred, cf. Ezekiel 39:14_;
Ezekiel 39:16_.... [ Continue Reading ]
_a renown_) Or, _a glory_(lit. a name), viz. that they have seen their
last enemy destroyed by their God. The triumph is theirs, being his,
Psalms 149:9.
_the day that … glorified_ i.e. _on_the day (at the time) when I
shall be glorified (or, glorify myself).... [ Continue Reading ]
When the remains that are visible shall all have been buried, men
shall be appointed whose continual task it shall be to go through the
land to search for any bones that may have been overlooked. When they
find a bone they shall set up a sign beside it that the buriers may
come and inter it (Ezekiel... [ Continue Reading ]
Render with R.V., AND THEY THAT PASS THROUGH THE LAND (the searchers)
UP (lit. build) A SIGN (or pillar), &c. On Hamon-Gog cf. Ezekiel
39:11.... [ Continue Reading ]
_name of the city … Hamonah_ Or, A CITY. Hamonah is _fem_. of Hamon,
multitude, and presumably of the same meaning. The words, however, are
enigmatical and alien to the connexion. The last clause, "and they
shall cleanse the land," suggests the previous mention of some action
which has this result.... [ Continue Reading ]
_to my sacrifice_ The eating of flesh was of rarer occurrence in
ancient times than it is now. All slaughtering of animals was a
sacrificial act. The blood and some parts of the victim were given to
Jehovah; and the rest eaten before him by the company. Hence the
terminology here: Jehovah's slaughte... [ Continue Reading ]
The actual victims sacrificed were princes and mighty men; here they
are described as rams and goats the usual animals sacrificed. Jeremiah
_fatlings of Bashan_ Bashan was a pastoral country, producing the
fattest and greatest beasts. Cf. Deuteronomy 32:14; Amos 4:1; Isaiah
34:6-7; Psalms 22... [ Continue Reading ]
_my table_ It is the Lord that holds the sacrificial feast here
(Ezekiel 39:19), and it is his table to which he invites the fowls and
_horses and chariots_ It is scarcely necessary to point with LXX.
horse _and rider;_"chariot" suggests that those borne in the chariot
are intended. The ter... [ Continue Reading ]
The great discomfiture of Gog will reveal Jehovah's power to the
nations. None but God alone could deal so wonderfully. Cf. Ezekiel
38:16; Ezekiel 38:23.... [ Continue Reading ]
And Israel from that day will feel secure in the protection of Jehovah
their God; all misgivings which the past might create will disappear,
and they shall know that now Jehovah is indeed their God.... [ Continue Reading ]
Jehovah's dealing with his people Israel is the great lesson which he
reads to the heathen; it is the history of Israel in the hand of
Jehovah their God that reveals to the nations what Jehovah is. For the
nations knew Jehovah only as God of Israel, and it was thus only
through Israel that he could... [ Continue Reading ]
_have I done unto them_ DID I DO unto them.
Ezekiel 39:25 _seq_. The prophet returns to the point of view occupied
in ch. 33 37, before the restoration of Israel. The transition is
suggested by the words I hid my face from them (Ezekiel 39:24). This
shall no more be (Ezekiel 39:29); they shall be r... [ Continue Reading ]
_bring again the captivity_ Cf. Ezekiel 16:53; Ezekiel 29:14.
_jealous for my holy name_ little different from "my divine name." The
prophet represents Jehovah as acting from the sense of that which he
is. The representation is to be explained from the profound sense
which the prophet, and other pr... [ Continue Reading ]
_after that … borne_ Rather: AND THEY SHALL BEAR THEIR SHAME. The
phrase "bear shame" is not used in the sense of bearing the outward
disgrace (Ezekiel 32:24-25; Ezekiel 32:30; Ezekiel 34:29; Ezekiel
36:7), but in the sense of bearing the inward feeling of unworthiness,
which the undeserved goodness... [ Continue Reading ]
The verse is closely connected with the preceding: none maketh them
afraid; when I have brought … and have been sanctified in (or,
through) them. Cf. Ezekiel 36:23-24; Ezekiel 38:16. For people,
PEOPLES.... [ Continue Reading ]
GATHER … AND WILL LEAVE. The words: and I will gather, &c. to the
end are wanting in LXX., which also points the first clause
differently.... [ Continue Reading ]
_poured out my spirit_ This states in brief all the regenerating
influences more fully dwelt upon in Ezekiel 36:25-31. Cf. Joel 2:28;
Zechariah 12:10. On first clause, Isaiah 54:8-10; Jeremiah 31:3 _seq_.... [ Continue Reading ]