Sacrifices and ceremonies by which the altar was consecrated and inaugurated

The general purpose of the altar is to offer burnt-offerings upon and to sprinkle blood thereon. The statement in Ezekiel 43:19 is somewhat elliptical, the writer's object being to advert specially to the difference between the sin-offering on the first day and that on the following days. Hence he describes the ritual of the sin-offering on the first day fully, omitting to refer to the burnt-offering, which he mentions only in connexion with the second and following days. And when in Ezekiel 43:25 it is said that a goat for sin-offering and a young bullock and a ram were offered for seven days, the difference between the sin-offering on the first day (a bullock) and that for the following six days (a goat) is not adverted to, the burnt-offering being the same all the seven days.

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