Dan on the furthest north. The verse as it stands has probably some confusion of text. It may read: "now these are the names of the tribes: on the furthest north, along side of the way to Hethlon, as one goeth to Hamath, as far as Hazar Enan on the border of Damascus, even on the north along side of (the land of) Hamath he shall have the east side (and) the west side: Dan one (portion)." First the boundary line W. to E. is specified from the sea to Hazar Enan (Ezekiel 42:16-17), and then is mentioned the country bounding the portion on the north, viz. Hamath. The hein "he shall have" is Dan, already in the writer's mind. We might have expected "he shall have the east side even unto the west side," or from the east side, &c., as in the following verses. The former in LXX.

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