Ezra 10:1-5. The People's Confession and Oath

1. Now when Ezra had prayed, and when he had confessed R.V. Now while Ezra prayed and made confession. The Hebrew shows that the people were assembling during Ezra's prayer. The report of Ezra's public grief would quickly spread, and he had maintained his attitude of shame and humiliation throughout the day (Ezra 9:4). The Vulgate -Orante Esra et implorante" is more correct than the LXX. ὡς προσηύξατο Ἔσδρας καὶ ὡς ἐξηγόρευσε.

It will be observed that the 1st person is here dropped, having been maintained since Ezra 7:27. Henceforward the Compiler only adapts instead of quoting Ezra's memoirs, or perhaps he here makes use of other materials.

-Made confession". As in Nehemiah 1:6; Nehemiah 9:2-3; Daniel 9:4; Daniel 9:20; 2 Chronicles 30:22; Leviticus 5:5; Leviticus 16:21; Leviticus 26:40; Numbers 5:7.

casting himself down before the house of God In the agony of his confession he had ceased to kneel (Ezra 9:5) and had prostrated himself on the ground.

before the house of God Ezra was probably in one of the outer courts of the Temple, and in prayer turned himself in its direction, cf. 1 Kings 8:30; 1 Kings 8:35; 1 Kings 8:38, &c. 2 Chronicles 20:9 -If evil come upon us … we will stand before this house and before thee (for thy name is in this house) and cry unto thee in our affliction, and thou wilt hear and save", Daniel 6:10. See on Ezra 9:15.

there assembled R.V. there was gathered together, cf. Ezra 10:7 -gather themselves together".

out of Israel See Ezra 7:28. The word -Israel" refers here as in Ezra 10:2; Ezra 10:10 to the whole community, not as in Ezra 10:5 to the laity.

a very great congregation … wept Large numbers were of the same mind with Ezra.

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