Lod, Hadid, and Ono These names occur also in Nehemiah 11:34-35. Lod and Ono built by Shemed a Benjamite (1 Chronicles 8:12). The name of -Lod" does not elsewhere occur in the history before the Captivity. It is the same as Lydda, familiar to us in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 9:32 &c.). It stands on the great road leading down to Egypt, about 7 miles S. E. of Joppa.

Hadid, probably the same as Adida (1Ma 12:38; 1Ma 13:13), a fortress on the E. of the Shephêlah, the modern -el Chadîtheh", commanding one of the valleys leading up from the plain to Jerusalem.

Ono has been identified with the modern Kefr Ana, about 6 miles N. of Lydda. Ono and Lod are mentioned as included in Benjamite territory 1 Chronicles 8:12.

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