Habaiah This name appears in Nehemiah 7:63 as -Hobaiah". R.V.

Koz R.V. -Hakkoz". This name appears as that of the seventhpriestly course in 1 Chronicles 24:10.

of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite Barzillai, the rich and noble Gileadite who assisted David during his flight from his son Absalom. Barzillai's son Chimham accompanied David to Jerusalem on his return (2Sa 17:27; 2 Samuel 19:32 ff.; 1 Kings 2:7). Chimham probably founded a family called after his own name, which resided at Bethlehem (Jeremiah 41:17). Barzillai's position and estates in Gilead were inherited by his daughters, through whom their father's name was preserved. One of them was married to a priest, who thereupon received the family name. His descendants however were unable to make out their claim to belong to the priesthood; possibly on account of the confusion resulting from the altered name.

The R.V. places a full stop at the close of this verse.

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