The Record of Opposition. (1) Ezra 4:1-5, from the reign of Cyrus to the reign of Darius. (2) Ezra 4:6, during the reign of Xerxes. (3) Ezra 4:7-23, during the reign of Artaxerxes

1. Nowwhen the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin Here called -adversaries" by anticipation. From the Compiler's point of view, the Samaritans were never anything but foes of the Jews.

The word -adversaries" is applied to them again Nehemiah 4:11.

Judah and Benjamin as in chap. Ezra 1:5. The great majority of those who returned, exclusive of priests and Levites, belonged to these two tribes. In view of the use of the expression chap. Ezra 1:5, there is no necessity to see here (as some commentators have done,) an allusion to the old hostility between the Northern and Southern Tribes.

the children of the captivity i.e. the -b'nê hag-gôlah". The phrase occurs also in Ezra 6:16; Ezra 6:19-20; Ezra 8:35; Ezra 10:7; Ezra 10:16. On -the Captivity" see note on Ezra 1:11. The meaning is the same as -the children of the province" Ezra 2:1. -The children of the captivity" recalls their past calamities; -the children of the province", their new position of subjection in the old homes.

unto the Lord God of Israel R.V. unto the lord, the God of Israel cf. Ezra 1:3.

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