an answer Another Persian word in the original, -pithgama", used also in Esther 1:20, a -decree", and Ecclesiastes 8:11, -sentence". The LXX. omits. Vulg. -verbum". Here = a royal rescript.

Rehum&c. see Ezra 4:9.

that dwell in Samaria A detail not mentioned with such directness in Ezra 4:10. A comparison with that verse shows that the city, not the district, is intended.

unto the rest beyond the river So margin of R.V. R.V. text in the rest of the country beyond the river. See Ezra 4:10, where the application of the word -rest" is clearly the same. There it follows after the verb -set in" (lit. -cause to dwell"), here after the verb -dwell". The district or territory, not the population, is referred to.

and at such a time R.V. and so forth. Cf. Ezra 4:11.

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