Ahasuerus R.V. margin -Or Xerxes. Heb. Ahashverosh". The well-known Xerxes, the son of Darius, who reigned 20 years (485 465). He is generally identified with the Ahasuerus of the book -Esther".

in the beginning of his reign i.e. on the death of Darius, who had favoured the Jews.

unto him R.V. omits these words, which are not found in the Hebrew.

an accusation Heb. -sitnah", which occurs elsewhere only in Genesis 26:21 as the name of a well called -sitnah" or -enmity" by Isaac on account of the opposition of the Philistines. Akin to the name -Satan", opposer. The LXX. misunderstanding the original renders by ἐπιστολή.

the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem Another designation, cf. Ezra 4:1 -Judah and Benjamin", Ezra 4:4 -the people of Judah".

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