the province of Judea R.V. the province of Judah. On -the province" see Ezra 2:1. The A.V. gives the title -Judea", which belongs to a later time, as the name of a country inhabited by the Jews. It occurs first in the Apocrypha (Tob 1:18; 1Ma 3:34; Malachi 1:10; Malachi 1:10, &c.). -Judah" occurs frequently in Ezra, e.g. Ezra 4:6; Ezra 5:1. The LXX. gives εἰς τὴν Ἰονδαίαν χώραν : the Vulgate -ad Judæam provinciam".

to the house of the great God The governor uses terms of great reverence towards the God of the Jews. In consequence some have called in question the genuineness of this letter. But there is in reality nothing unusual in the use of such expressions by Eastern potentates with reference to the gods of a conquered or subject country.

with great stones Literally -stones of rolling". Stone, that is to say, too large for ordinary transport and requiring to be moved on rollers. The immense size of the stones used in the construction of the temples in early days is an unending source of amazement, e.g. Baalbec.

The LXX. renders by -chosen stones" Esther 6:9, by -polished stones very precious": misunderstanding the original. Such adjectives applied to the foundations of the Temple were perhaps before the mind of the Apostle when he employs the metaphor of the building, cf. 1 Peter 2:4-7 (Isaiah 28:16). Vulg. -lapide impolito".

timberis laid in the walls i.e. beams or joists for supporting floor or roof. Some suggest party-walls, for the division of chambers.

goeth fast on R.V. goeth on with diligence. -With diligence", a Persian word -osparna" (used also Ezra 6:8; Ezra 6:12-13; Ezra 7:17; Ezra 7:21; Ezra 7:26) which denotes care and attention as well as energy.

in their hands referring to the Jews, implied in the words -the province of Judah".

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