(b) Material for the maintenance of the worship.

young bullocks, &c. Cf. Ezra 7:17.

for the burnt offerings of R.V. for burnt offerings to. The king is speaking generally of burnt offerings as one chief class of offering, and not particularly of the Levitical system.

wheat, salt, wine, and oil Cf. Exodus 29:40 (flour, oil, wine); Leviticus 2:1-16 (flour, oil, salt, &c., the meal offering). The king alludes to the other chief class of offering.

according to the appointment R.V. according to the word, i.e. the priests at Jerusalem were to specify what their system most required.

day by day See on chap. Ezra 3:4.

without fail i.e. without intermission. Literally -which is to be no intermission". The LXX. must have had another reading in which the negative was dropped, and a similarly sounding word -to ask" substituted for that rendered -fail". LXX. -whatsoever they shall ask" (ὅ ἐὰν αἰτήσωσιν). The Vulg. -lest there be room for complaint in aught" (ne sit in aliquo querimonia) and 1Es 6:30 -without further question" seem also to have translated the more familiar root.

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