Artaxerxes" Commission to Ezra

11. Now Cf. Ezra 7:1. This verse serves as a brief introduction.

the copy of the letter See on Ezra 4:7; Ezra 4:11; Ezra 4:23.

Ezra the priest, the scribe See note on Ezra 7:1-5 for Ezra's priestly lineage. He is called -the priest" ch. Ezra 10:10; Ezra 10:16; Nehemiah 8:2; and so commonly was this designation given him, that the title of 1 Esdras appears in the Alexandrian MS. (Cod. A) as ὁ ἱερεύς -the priest". He is called -the scribe", Nehemiah 8:4; Nehemiah 8:13; Nehemiah 12:36. He receives the twofold appellation here and elsewhere in Ezra 7:12; Ezra 7:21; Nehemiah 8:9; Nehemiah 12:26.

even a scribe R.V. even the scribe. The LXX. rendering -the scribe of the book of the words of the commandments of the Lord" (τῷ γραμματεῖ βιβλίου λόγων ἐντολῶν τοῦ κυρίου) was due to its misunderstanding the repetition of the word -scribe", and reading -sêpher" -a book", instead of -sophêr" -scribe".

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