Penalty for Contumacy.

whosoever will not do i.e. whoever of the Israelite race or of those that had attached themselves to the Jewish religion.

speedily R.V. with all diligence.

death … banishment … confiscation … imprisonment The king hands over to Ezra plenary powers of punishment.

banishment R.V. marg. Aram. rooting out. LXX. παιδεία. Vulg. -exilium". -Banishment" is probably the meaning of the word, coming as it does between -death" and -confiscation". Some explain it of -excommunication" or separation -from the congregation".

It is not to be supposed that Ezra's commission superseded the official governors of the satrapy. Rather his powers (1) to appoint judges (2) to instruct, (3) to inflict penalties, were given him to secure the strengthening of the religious organization based on the Law, which it was his object to make permanent and universal for his countrymen.

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