Phinehas, the son of Eleazar his religious zeal (Numbers 25:7-11) was celebrated in the records and songs of Israel (Psalms 106:30). As High-priest he appears probably on two occasions Joshua 22:13; Joshua 22:30; Joshua 22:32; Judges 20:28.

Aaron the chief priest Literally the -head-priest" (hak-kohen harôsh). By this title the High-priest was sometimes designated in writings of the Captivity and post-Captivity periods, e.g. 2 Chronicles 19:11; 2Ch 24:11; 2 Chronicles 26:20; 2 Chronicles 31:10. The earliest instances are 2 Kings 25:18; Jeremiah 52:24. Before the period of the Captivity he is generally called "the priest". The name High-priest (literally -the great priest") only rarely occurs in the Pentateuch, Leviticus 21:10; Numbers 35:25; Numbers 35:28, though more frequently in books of late date, e.g. 2 Kings 12:10.

LXX. -the first priest" (τοῦ ἱέρεως τοῦ πρώτου). Vulg. -sacerdotis ab initio".

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