Galatians 1 - Introduction
(First Division of the Epistle) The assertion of St Paul's Apostolical Authority For a general analysis of the Epistle see Introduction.... [ Continue Reading ]
(First Division of the Epistle) The assertion of St Paul's Apostolical Authority For a general analysis of the Epistle see Introduction.... [ Continue Reading ]
Introduction. Salutation and ascription of praise 1. _Paul, an apostle_ In the opening of this Epistle, as of those to the Corinthians, Ephesians, Colossians and Timothy, St Paul designates himself an Apostle. Elsewhere he either adds no descriptive epithet to his name, or he is a bondservant of Ch... [ Continue Reading ]
_all the brethren which are with me_ It is impossible to say with certainty _who_these brethren were. The expression, - _all_the brethren" and the omission of any names, render it improbable that reference is intended only to Timothy and Titus. The words are intentionally vague, and certainly do not... [ Continue Reading ]
_Grace be to you … Christ_ "These two words, grace and peace, comprehend in them whatsoever belongeth to Christianity. Grace releaseth sin, and peace maketh the conscience quiet." Luther. We have here another indirect, but clear proof of the Godhead of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is with the Eternal F... [ Continue Reading ]
_who gave himself … our Father_ The Apostle here prepares the way for the discussion of his great subject. He cannot think of the Gospel pardon, justification, acceptance with God, and eternal life apart from the atoning death of Christ. The efficacy of that "precious death" depends on the voluntary... [ Continue Reading ]
_to whom be glory … Amen_ perh. - _the_glory". All the glory of the great work of Redemption, in its design, in its process, in its results, is His alone and shall be throughout eternity. _Amen_ A Hebrew word, signifying -truth," used to express concurrence in the prayer or praise uttered by another... [ Continue Reading ]
The subject and occasion of the Epistle 6. _I marvel … gospel_ The contrast between the form of address here adopted and that of other letters of St Paul is (as already noted) remarkable. In writing to the Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians, his opening words are expressive of thankfulness f... [ Continue Reading ]
_but there be some that trouble … Christ_ Only so far can it be called another gospel, as it is a perversion of the Gospel of Christ. It does not profess to be a distinct revelation; it claims to be -the Gospel", Just as we might speak of spurious _coin_, though it was not issued from the mint. _so... [ Continue Reading ]
You have listened to these false teachers. But the Gospel is one and unchangeable, admitting of no addition or modification. Even though I, Paul, and those who, as Timothy, Titus and Silas, are like minded with me nay, even though an Angel from heaven should preach anything as supplementary to that... [ Continue Reading ]
He repeats his denunciation with slight differences. (1) He does not mention -an angel from heaven", (2) what in the preceding verse he put hypothetically, "should any … preach", is now assumed to be the fact, "if any is preaching"; (3) _there_, it was a Gospel which St Paul had preached to them, _h... [ Continue Reading ]
_For do I now … men, or God?_ The particle -for" connects this verse with what precedes. -I speak thus decisively and strongly, for in the first place my motives are pure and cannot be impugned; and secondly (Galatians 1:11 foll.) the truths which I deliver are a revelation from God." _now_ -at thi... [ Continue Reading ]
_A statement of St Paul's claims, followed by a sketch of his life_. 11. _But I certify_ NOW I DECLARE TO YOU. The same verb is used in 1 Corinthians 15:1 to introduce an emphatic statement. _not after man_ i.e. not in accordance with human notions or conceptions, and therefore not such as could h... [ Continue Reading ]
_For I neither received it of man] -I"_is emphatic: I received not the Gospel, any more than did the other Apostles, from man. _neither was I taught it_ St Paul might have received the Gospel from God, and yet have been more fully instructed by men. This was not the case, comp. ch. Galatians 2:6. H... [ Continue Reading ]
Nothing short of a miracle could account for the change which had taken place in the life and aims of St Paul (comp. Philippians 3:4-10). It was not likely that a man with such antecedents should have accepted the Gospel _with its consequences_on merely human testimony. _ye have heard_ Rather, YE H... [ Continue Reading ]
St Paul was always in earnest. In the acquisition of Rabbinic lore he outstripped most of those of his own age, not merely his fellow-disciples at Tarsus, and in the school of Gamaliel at Jerusalem (Acts 22:3), but in his own nation generally. _zealous_ Lit. A ZEALOT (Acts 21:20). St Paul by birth... [ Continue Reading ]
_it pleased God_ The commentary of Theodore of Mopsuestia on this expression is apt. "St Paul well refers it to the Divine foreknowledge, so that before he himself had any being, this should appear the good pleasure of God concerning him; and that so his preaching might be regarded as far enough rem... [ Continue Reading ]
But a wondrous change was effected in me. -Old things had passed away. Behold, they had become new." The source of this change was the purpose of God; the means, His effectual calling: the end, that St Paul might preach Christ to the Gentiles.... [ Continue Reading ]
_to reveal his Son in me_ Christ had been revealed _to_St Paul when He was seen by him in the flesh (1 Corinthians 9:1). But a more blessed revelation was vouchsafed, when Christ was revealed _within_him. Then the Light of the World lighted up the recesses of his soul, or in his own words, "God who... [ Continue Reading ]
_neither went I up to Jerusalem_ The situation of Jerusalem was on a hill, and it was also the Jewish metropolis, the political centre formerly, and still the religious centre of the nation. "Thither the tribes went up, the tribes of Jehovah," Psalms 122:4. We speak of -going up" to London. _to the... [ Continue Reading ]
It was not till three years after his conversion that St Paul went up to Jerusalem to visit St Peter. _to see_ to become personally acquainted with. The word in the original is used of those who visit great and famous cities. He was introduced to the Apostles by Barnabas (Acts 9:27). _Peter_ The m... [ Continue Reading ]
"Other of the apostles I saw not, but James, the brother of the Lord." The A. V. would lead to the conclusion that James was one of the Apostles, in the same sense as Peter was an Apostle, i.e. one of the Twelve. But it is almost certain that -save" is an incorrect rendering, as in Luke 4:26-27 (whe... [ Continue Reading ]
Considering that the vital question of St Paul's credentials was at stake, we need not wonder at this solemn asseveration and appeal to the judgment of God.... [ Continue Reading ]
In the Acts we are told that when the brethren knew of the plot against St Paul's life, they "brought him down to Cæsarea, and sent him forth to Tarsus". This is in agreement with the statement of the text. Cæsarea was the port from which in all probability St Paul sailed to Tarsus, the capital of C... [ Continue Reading ]
_and was unknown_ rather, AND I CONTINUED UNKNOWN. So far from his having learned the truths which he taught from the other Apostles, the Churches of Judæa, to which they principally ministered at this time, did not know him even by sight. It is not certain whether the Church of Jerusalem is include... [ Continue Reading ]
_the faith_ Three principal senses attach to this word in the N. T.: (1) Truth, or truthfulness, trustworthiness; e.g. Romans 3:3, "the faith of God." (2) Belief of, or confidence in a Person or thing. This is its most common meaning. (3) The revelation of the character, will and purpose of God -... [ Continue Reading ]
They only heard reports to the effect that, Our former persecutor is now preaching the faith which he once was seeking to destroy.... [ Continue Reading ]
The conduct of the Judæan Christians is noteworthy, not only as in marked contrast with that of the Judaizing party in Galatia, but as testifying to the soundness of the Apostle's teaching. The Gospel which he preached, though independent of them as to its source, was identical with that which they... [ Continue Reading ]