And my temptation The true reading is probably - yourtemptation". The Apostle's sickness was a trial of their faith. Like his Divine Master, he had no natural -form nor comeliness" (2 Corinthians 10:10), and when to this natural disqualification bodily disorder was added, they might well have asked if such a teacher had any claim on their acceptance.

ye despised not nor rejected Very strong expressions, implying that there was something repulsive in the character of the disease.

rejected Nearly = -loathed". The construction is simple, the -temptation" being put for the -sickness" which constituted it, and which they might have regarded with contempt and disgust.

even as Christ Jesus An unconscious fulfilment on the part of the Galatians of our Lord's words, -He that receiveth you, receiveth me", Matthew 10:40.

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