I desire Rather, "But, speaking of being present, I could wish to be present with you now". The -but" which is not expressed in the A.V. connects this verse with Galatians 4:18 in which he had referred to his presence in Galatia.

to change my voice Most commentators understand this to mean either (1) to accommodate my speech to your requirements which I could do, were I on the spot; or (2) to change my tone from severity to gentleness. Mr Wood contends for a different explanation. He considers that St Paul's intention in writing this Epistle, was that -by another's voice he might speak to them without delay". He understands the presence to be -a presence in spirit" as in 1 Corinthians 5:3. The choice lies between the 1st and 2nd interpretation, of which perhaps the first is preferable.

I stand in doubt of you Rather, I am perplexed about you, as R.V.

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