A noble practical conclusion from what precedes.

The time of reaping is -God's own" the season of sowing, ours. But that season is presented to us as -opportunity." If we ask how we are to recognise and so improve it, the answer is given by St Paul (2 Timothy 4:2) -In season, out of season" not waiting for occasions, but making them.

As we have This may be rendered with equal correctness, -while, so long as, we have." It is so rendered in the Offertory sentence in the Book of Common Prayer, -while we have time." But the A.V. gives a good sense -according as we have opportunity."

unto all men Though in the immediately preceding context St Paul has been enjoining liberality towards teachers, he feels that his premisses are wide enough to bear this conclusion. He here passes from inculcating charity towards all men to a special regard for members of the family of God. St Peter adopts the reverse order, when he exhorts Christians to add to -brotherly kindness, love." 2 Peter 1:7.

of the household of faith As the Church is frequently designated the houseor familyof God (1Ti 3:15; 1 Peter 2:5; Hebrews 3:6), so in Ephesians 2:19 believers are spoken of as the members of the household of God. Here the form of the expression is varied. -The faith" is rightly explained by Bp Lightfoot to be here nearly equivalent to -the Gospel." The bond of a common faith constitutes a new family tie. It united, and still unites men to one another, as children of the same Father, with a common home.

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