as many as walk See note on ch. Galatians 5:25. Some commentators attach to this verb a different sense, -as many as conform to this rule". But the A.V. gives what is probably a correct rendering. The reading - shall walk ", adopted by R.V. is on the whole preferable on MSS. authority. At the time when the Epistle was written believers were comparatively few in number, but the blessing was a prophecy extending to all who in the long series of centuries, even to the end of the dispensation, should walk, that is, live by the same rule.

this rule This word originally meant a carpenter's rod or rule for guiding and testing his work, or the tongue of a balance. Then, any standard by which to regulate procedure or conduct. The transition to the sense of a model or pattern was not difficult. It is of frequent occurrence in different applications in ecclesiastical literature. See Article -Canon" in Dict. of Christian Antiquities, and Westcott On the Canon, App. A.

Here -this rule" is the principle of justification through faith in the Atoning Blood, and the renewal of man's nature by the Holy Ghost. -As many as walk by it" whether circumcised or not in every age, in every clime male or female slave or free, without distinction of visible Church or sect. Surely this must be that -great multitude which no man can number", of whom it is written -they washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb", Revelation 7:13.

peace be on them, and mercy This is probably a prayer, -May peace be on them"; though the original allows us to render, -Peace rests on them". Peace in the soul, because of reconciliation with God. Peace with man through Him Who is -our peace". But mercy also, as needed by sinners.

and upon the Israel of God Are -the Israel of God" distinct from those who walk according to the Apostle's rule, or are we to regard the particle -and" as epexegetical, and equivalent to - yea, upon &c."? The answer will depend on the exact meaning which is attached to the expression, -the Israel of God". If it means those -who are not of the circumcision only, but who walk in the steps" of Abraham's faith, i.e. Jews who have been really converted to Christianity, we must suppose St Paul to have had Gentile converted in his mind in the preceding verses. It seems better, however, to regard the expression as intended to sum up the -as many as" in a phrase which is closely identified with the whole argument of the Epistle, -If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise". These are -the Israel of God", whether Jews or Gentiles, for -the Jew is he who is one inwardly in the spirit, not in the letter". Romans 2:29. So that the blessing is invoked on all who walk according to the rule enunciated, and soin fact on the true Israel, not Israel after the flesh, but the Israel of the promise and of God.

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