Mizraim In Genesis 10:6, "the sons of Ham" are Cush, Mizraim, Put, and Canaan. The "sons of Cush" were given in Genesis 10:7. In Genesis 10:13 the genealogy is continued with the "sons of Mizraim." The intervening passage (Genesis 10:8) has been a parenthesis. The names here mentioned are probably tribes on the borders of Egypt.

Ludim Mentioned also in Jeremiah 46:9; presumably the same as Lud in Isaiah 66:19; Ezekiel 27:10; Ezekiel 30:5.

the Anamim W. Max Müller suggests that these are the Kinamimwho dwelt in the largest and southernmost oasis, designated in the Egyptian inscriptions K'n"mt. Very strange is the reading of the LXX Αἰνεμετιείμ. Cf. 1 Chronicles 1:11.

Lehabim Possibly the same as the "Libyans," who appear as Lubim in 2 Chronicles 12:3; 2 Chronicles 16:8; Daniel 11:43; Nahum 3:9. The Libyans were the African tribes west of Cyrene.

Naphtuhim The Egyptologist Erman suggests that this name is the corruption of the word P-t-mḥi, the Egyptian designation for the dwellers in the north, i.e. the Delta of Egypt (Z. A. T. W. 1890, pp. 118, 119).

Another suggestion is that it represents the name of the third great oasis, between Ammon and K'n"mt, bearing the name of Ferâfia. Cf. 1 Chronicles 1:11.

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