Beth-el on the west, and Ai on the east For Bethel, see note on Genesis 28:12. For Ai, see Joshua 7:2-5. The situation of Abram's tent between Bethel and Ai must have commanded a view of the valley of the Jordan and of the Dead Sea, with the mountains of Moab. "Beth-el," or "House of God," was probably also an ancient shrine, the modern Bêtîn, 9½ miles N. of Jerusalem.

on the west The Heb. word for "the west" means literally "the sea," i.e. the Mediterranean Sea. Such an expression for a point of the compass could only have been used by a people who had long been resident in the country.

called upon the name See note on Genesis 4:26, i.e. he worshipped, using in his invocation the name "Jehovah." The Name is the symbol of the Divine attributes.

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